Microbiological preparation


  • Created for :

  • Acceleration of composting of manure, droppings, crop waste

  • Renovation of premises for keeping animals

  • Elimination of pathogenic microflora in compost

  • Elimination of ammonia odor

Within 30 days after the first application of the drug, subject to the composting technological process, the air indices are improved, the compost mass is disinfected and the production waste is transferred to the status of an organic fertilizer that meets the requirements of GOST R 53117-2008, which allows avoiding fines for violating environmental standards (part 2 of article 8.6 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation and part 2 of Article 8.7 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

Characteristics of the drug

Liquid concentrate of bacterial mass. Contains a consortium of lactic acid strains of thermo- and mesophilic bacteria, a complex of acidic peptidases. The total number of living bacteria is not less than 1.0 x 1010 CFU / cm3. Store in a dry place, out of direct sunlight, at a temperature of 10 to 25 С0. Shelf life is 1 year. Microbiological preparation "Bio-Composter" is produced according to TU 20.15.79-001-77521117-2018.


Cans of 20 liters HDPE 273-83 (800 grams).

Mechanism of action

Lactic acid bacteria secrete a complex of organic acids that inhibit the development of pathogenic microflora (putrefactive bacteria and fungi, UPM (conditionally pathogenic microorganisms). Peptidases cause accelerated decomposition of organic waste, due to exothermic reactions, the temperature in the compost mass rises, larvae of flies and helminths die. Disinfection of the mass occurs within 14 days. The biological product belongs to the 4th hazard class (environmentally friendly compound). Recommended for organic farming systems. Microorganisms that make up the drug are NOT GMO. The processed manure is an organic fertilizer in the form of a loose dark brown mass corresponding to GOST R 53117-2008.

Drug consumption:

100-200 ml \ 1 m3 of raw materials

Today deliveries are carried out in the domestic market of Russia, to the CIS countries, Africa, Latin and North America, Southeast Asia. agriculture. Microorganisms that make up the drug are NOT GMO. The processed manure is an organic fertilizer in the form of a loose dark brown mass corresponding to GOST R 53117-2008.

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